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Providing a Full Range of Solutions for the Shipbuilding Industry



The shipbuilding industry is of vital importance for Japan, a country surrounded by the ocean, since it represents the pillar of the archipelago’s domestic and international maritime transport.

Since its founding in 1940, Naikai Zosen Corporation has built various types of ships, including ferries for domestic transport, container ships, bulk carriers, tankers, car carriers, and ro-ro ships. We have also been providing repair services for these types of ships as well as for governmental vessels, training ships, and special purpose vessels to support the maritime transport industry. In addition to providing various solutions by designing a wide variety of ships, we are also seeking to adapt our repair services to new needs that continue to arise due to changes in regulations such as those related to restricting emissions of NOx (nitrogen oxide) and SOx (sulphur oxide) found in exhaust gases. We are confident that we can contribute to the global maritime transport industry through our new ship construction operations and ship repair services.

取締役社長 寺尾 弘志


Reliable Technologies for Younger Generations



Our rich knowledge and reliable technologies allow us to utilize the limited space within each ship to the maximum extent possible.

The complex process of building a ship requires professionals from various fields to work as a group and share the same idea of the final product. That is why we encourage each of our employees to take responsibility for the work they are in charge of while paying attention to the needs of the people around them. Each ferry and each ro-ro ship, for instance, is built according to significantly different specifications. That requires our employees to grow as ship specialists with plenty of experience in the field of shipbuilding, rich knowledge, and access to reliable technologies. In order to make sure our technologies are passed on to future generations, we put our most experienced staff members in charge of mentoring their colleagues to help them turn into professionals with all of the aforementioned qualities.


Seeking to Develop New Technologies

すでに環境問題は全世界の共通の課題となっており、船舶においてもさらなる燃費向上や次世代燃料船の開発など、関係各社で研究、開発が進んでいます。弊社でも燃料改善に取り組み、内航船省エネルギー格付け制度において最高評価“5つ星”を獲得した船舶を18隻建造しており、今後も継続していきます。 さらに今後は次世代燃料船の建造においても実績を積み重ねながら、新たな技術開発にも積極的に取り組んでいきます。

Our company has joined forces with various organizations to research and develop new technologies, including a component called “STEP,” which is mounted to the ship’s bow and serves to improve fuel efficiency by reducing wave resistance. We have also managed to patent that technology. As part of our efforts to create a new generation of ships, we are conducting research in cooperation with universities in order to reduce steel plate distortion that occurs during the welding process.


Naikai Zosen Corporation in the Future

今後、次世代燃料への対応や国内の人口減少を背景にさらに踏み込んだ改革が必要になります。 それら改革の基礎となるのは長年にわたり多彩な船を手掛け、新技術の研究・開発に取り組んできた社員および会社として蓄積した経験とノウハウです。我々は仲間とともに常に新たな課題に挑戦し続け、世界の物流を支えていきます。

In the future, ship regulations are expected to become even tighter due to safety demands and environmental issues. The diversity of ship types we have designed and our new technologies we have researched and developed over the years represent important assets for our employees. As a shipbuilding company that supports the global maritime transport industry, we will continue to look for solutions in areas that are yet to be explored by following the same corporate philosophy.

取締役社長 寺尾 弘志